Top Casino Games Canadians Love To Play This Summer

gambling online in canada: Gambling concept image suggesting the idea of playing online versions of poker games at top Canadian online casinos using mobile devices. 3D Rendered illustration on a dark background

Canadians are fond of games of chance. It may have something to do with all the free time the average Canuck has during the long, cold months of winter. Or, it may be just because Canadians are easy-going people who enjoy having fun in a social setting and casinos just seem to fit that formula. In this article, we will take a closer look at the top casino games Canadians have been flocking to in droves this summer.

The Social Aspect of Gambling In Canada

Gambling in all forms is a very important element in the lifestyle of Canadians. This is evident in the number of bingo nights, lottery booths, and casinos that can be found across the country. It is through these activities where friends meet and tend to hang out together. Many a first date has come out of a chance meeting over a potluck meal in a bingo hall or a night out with the guys from work at the local casino or playing online at Non-profits from coast-to-coast host raffles as fundraisers and barely a local hockey game goes by without at least one raffle going on. All of this is quite normal in the Great White North and it is probably one of the reasons why Canadians are so fond of gambling – they are usually introduced to it at a very young age and end up playing bingo or the lottery before anything else.

The Top Casino Games This Summer For Canadians

1 – Bingo

Under the “N”…you had to see this one coming. Bingo is probably the first game most Canadians are introduced to as they grow up. Bingo nights are common in communities of all sizes and are usually hosted in local community gathering places like a Legion or Seniors Hall. That way, a lot of people can join in which makes the jackpots larger. Families, friends, and neighbors gather on Bingo nights. There may even be a potluck meal as part of the event, or an opportunity for food vendors or other vendors to participate and sell their wares. Bingo is much more than a game of chance in Canada – it’s a way of life and teaches players patience, builds friendships, and keeps people busy on nights when there is nothing much else going on downtown. Bingo tops the list for many good cultural reasons.

2 – Slots

Slots are extremely popular in Canadian casinos. All you have to do is set foot in one and that is where you will discover that the casino floor is filled with mostly slots and a few table games. Slots attract Canadians like moths to light simply because there is very little skill involved. All you do is fill the machine with credits and tap the “spin” button as long as credits are remaining. Slots are a great introductory game to the world of casinos because it is so easy to play. Plus, with digital graphics, exciting soundtracks, and amazing themes and storylines, the average Canadian will get fully engaged with whatever unfolds in front of them as part of the particular machine they are sitting at. Slots also tend to produce decent wins for many Canadian gamblers and that keeps ‘em coming.

3 – Baccarat

Card games are also very popular in Canada. There are few homes in the nation where Bridge or Cribbage is not played. Card games are frequent on family fun nights and that is what makes Baccarat so popular. Plus, just like slots, there is little in the way of strategy required so this card game is an easy one to learn and enjoy. Baccarat is more popular in French Canadian centers such as Quebec, but it is also big in other parts of the country. What seems to be the main attraction of this game is that is it a game that is subdued, calm, and relaxed. All the same basic traits as your Canadian neighbor or the people you encounter on the street as you go and check your mail. Baccarat is just that kind of game. People gather, play, and bond because that’s what you do in Canada.

4 – Blackjack

Speaking of card games, Blackjack is huge with Canadians. Sure, this is a game that requires a fair deal of study and understanding of potential combinations, but Canucks have reframed how they look at this game. They know that all you need is cards that total up to, but not over 21, and a better score than the dealer. With this in mind, Blackjack is an easy gamble for the average Canadian. Online Blackjack is huge in Canada and it shows when you consider how many offshore poker rooms target Canadians for membership. Oh, and some of the big tournament winners call Canada home, so obviously, the game has been studied closely by some savvy players. Blackjack can be played by anyone as basic rules are easy to understand but the better-skilled players are the real winners.

5 – Craps

Again, here is a casino game that is far from complicated. It requires just two dice. We’re not saying Canadians can’t play complicated casino games, either. What we are getting at is that because of the social aspect of gambling and how it has become an important part of the cultural fabric of Canada, it is much easier to get together as a group and have a fun night out at a casino if the games played do not require a steep learning curve. Craps looks intimidating at first, but the true challenge is for a player to hit the wall of the table opposite them when throwing the dice. That is quite honestly the most complicated part of any game of craps. Naturally, there are other details but throwing the dice is the main part and most Canadians can master that in a single throw. 

Final Thoughts

Canadians are fun people to be around. They are smart, calm, and love games of chance. But in Canada, gambling is more of a social lifestyle choice than anything else. This is what makes Canadians competitive, interesting, and so much fun to be around. With many gambling opportunities available across the entire nation, it isn’t hard to imagine finding a group of Canadian friends or family enjoying a night playing Bingo or the slots to entertain themselves instead of wasting that time sitting on the couch in front of the TV.

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