5 Cool Facts About Online Gambling In Canada

social gambling in canada

Canada is an interesting place. Not only is it the second-largest landmass on the planet, but it also contains cutting-edge technology. The internet in Canada has changed a lot of things for Canadians ranging from how they communicate and seek information to how they shop and find entertainment. One of the most popular forms of online entertainment for those living above the 49th is in the form of internet gambling. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Canadian gambling industry and explore several facts related to the online gambling industry in the Great White North.

The Gambling Industry In Canada At A Glance

The Canadian gambling industry continues to evolve and grow. Estimated put just the online gambling activity in Canada at generating revenue over $500 billion by the year 2023. When you consider the elements that have led to the popularity of online gambling in Canada, it makes sense. Not only does Canada have a vast network of reliable internet providers, but the COVID restrictions placed on brick and mortar casinos forced Canucks to find alternate ways to gamble. Sure, there are national and regional lotteries available, but if you prefer blackjack or slots, lottery tickets aren’t going to fill that void. This is where online gambling fits into the picture. Add to this the intense marketing to Canadians from offshore online casinos, and it doesn’t take much to see what Canadians are up to from the comfort of their homes. The stats verify that Canadians are gamblers and that they will go wherever they have to so that they can feed that fix and sometimes that takes them to places like the SuperSeven online casino.

In no particular order, here are a few interesting facts about Canada’s gambling activity:

Online Gambling Is Legal In Canada

This is true, but it is sort of complicated. The Canadian federal government has let each province and territory govern gambling activity in their jurisdiction. This includes online gambling options where each provincial or territorial lottery/gaming commission has established its own online gambling portal. Not all provinces or territories have them and for those that do, the options are well, not that great. This is why offshore online casinos are so popular in Canada. They offer bigger, better bonuses, prizes, promotions, and more. Here’s the complicated part: while online gambling is legal in Canada, and offshore casinos are not restricted to attract Canadians, it is technically illegal for gamblers in Canada to join offshore casino sites. Enforcement is not an issue, which is why it happens.

Offshore Gambling Sites Can’t Get A Canadian Government Licence

Further to the complications related to offshore casino sites, the Canadian government has no mechanism in place to license offshore gambling sites. Licensing is left to the discretion of the individual provinces and territories. Since Canadians are breaking the law by accessing offshore casinos, licensing from a provincial or territorial government is not going to happen. However, there is a loophole. The Kahnawake Gaming Commission is based in the Canadian Mohawk Territory. It was formed in 1996 and has licensed several offshore online casino sites. At last report, they had issued licenses to over 50 online casinos and well over 250 offshore gambling sites. While that would technically make these sites legal for Canadians to access, the Criminal Code of Canada would say otherwise.

No One Has Been Prosecuted For Accessing An Offshore Casino

Thanks to a large chunk of grey area wedged into the Criminal Code of Canada, Canadians who choose to spend their online gambling budget at technically illegal offshore casinos are relatively safe. That is because there is no clear directive related to the type and severity of the penalty a Canuck can incur for joining an offshore site. In all likelihood, the average Canadian gambler with an account at an offshore gaming site has no clue that what they are doing is wrong simply because the offshore sites spend a considerable amount of time promoting themselves to Canadians. They even accept the Canadian Loonie as one of many currencies. Since no one in Canada has been fined or jailed, offshore casinos are considered great alternatives to the domestic options available.

In Canada, Gambling Is A Social Activity

This is something that probably only Canadians can relate to. In Canada, games of chance are not viewed as gambling. That is because bingo and lotteries and raffles have been part of the Canadian cultural fabric forever. Hardly a junior league hockey game is held where at least one raffle is conducted. Lottery tickets are commonly attached to fridges all over Canada with magnets, and bingo…well, that’s a whole different matter. With every small town in the nation home to either a Legion, Elks Hall, or seniors center, Tuesday night or Saturday afternoon bingo is the main attraction. Bingo is a social event where family and friends get together and visit. Gambling brings Canadians together and gives them something fun to do on those cold winter nights north of the 49th.

Just Slightly More Canadian Men Gamble Than Women

The math is interesting. A source identified as CasinoValley researched the question of which gender in Canada gambles the most. The stats were fairly close with 57% of the Canadian gamblers being men and the remaining 43% being female. However, this flips when the question is about online gambling. The results show that close to 55% of female gamblers do so online, with the remaining just over 45% being male. One of the reasons why there are so many female gamblers online is that they claim to find being able to access online gambling sites with their mobile devices much easier to do. This may explain why the internet has been such an important communication tool in Canada. It provides contact and entertainment within the palm of your hand.

Final Thoughts

Canadians love to gamble and have access to various forms of gambling. While the laws of the land are somewhat relaxed, there is a bit of grey area regarding online gambling. However, since there have been no fines or penalties issued, Canadians are free to play however they choose online. Even if that means joining an offshore casino site that is technically taboo according to the Criminal Code of Canada. Besides, if there was a time when someone did get caught and charged, in Canada, an apology and promise to never do it again would probably be sufficient.


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